Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Banff, Canada Here We Are!!!!

Our first day in the Rocky Mountain National Park started out with a bang- shopping in downtown Bannf.
After we had a delicious lunch Dad took us on a scenic route through the Park. We drove around for about an hour an a half and after everyone had there lunchtime naps we decided to go on a gondola tour.  At most ski resorts gondolas are ski lifts that they use during the off-season to take tourists up.
After waiting in line for an hour we embarked on the picturesque undertaking.  As you can see the views were well worth the wait.

Once we got to the top the man attending advised us that the even better views were awaiting us if we got off and he was right.  We even saw a lone bighorn sheep, and he loved mom b/c she was making these awful calling noises to him.

The way down on the gondola kind of stunk b/c our camera stopped working; pleading error 99 we had no way of understanding the depth of its damage. Everything played out though b/c Dad just bought Anne-Christian a camera of her own!!!

Our second day in Canada consisted of seeing the renowned Lake Louise. Overtaken by about 600 tourists, us included, it was hard to hike around or even venture elsewhere, Even though we didn’t really have very long to soak in its beauty, the magnificence of transient aquamarine water against such grandiose and powerful peaks is hard to disclaim. 

After we had lunch in downtown Lake Louise Greg took us on another scenic drive that lasted for another hour and a half and proved unfruitful in finding the tea room trail- sorry favorite Aunt Kitty :(((
Anne-Chrisitian and I made friendship bracelets as we traversed the Bow River Parkway via mini van though, and we made one for you!!

When we did find a cool trail to go on it took an arm and a leg to convince mom to join us. The idea of hiking 3 miles didn’t really appeal to her but thankfully she did it anyways!!  Johnston Cavern was our hiking trail and it gave breathtaking views because it was alongside a miraculous river: abounding with all its’ might in some places and then taking a slow but steady break in others. The Canyon was formed from 8000 years of erosion and even as we took our hike the creek continued to carve and deepen the chasm  below us!!!

I have to say that I think my mom’s favorite part was the ground squirrel that followed her all the way down the mountain. We all new she had a thing with squirrels but this one took that love to another level. 

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